


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Muhasabah Diri

Masalah , Ketidakselesaan , Kerimasan , Stress ..
MacamMacam yang Ezra alami skrg .
Sampaikan at one point , Ezra dh ta boleh tahan ,
Ezra akan let go at org yg paling Ezra rapat ! * SiapaSiapaPonBoleh !
In our daily life , bendabenda mcm ni memg slalu sgt dialami kan .?
Especially students , dgn assignment , quiz , test and etc .
Tapi yelahh ,
macam budaxbudax at tmpt Ezra blaja ni slalu ckp ,
UNTUNGLAH ada org syg .
So yeah , naseb baek ade si Aman ni .
Ie laa tmpt Ezra mengadu SEMUA !
KadangKadang , dgn Aman skali kena marah .
But, naseb baek Aman ni sangat UNDERSTANDING .
Alhamdulillah .
Syukur sangatsangat dapat ie .
Ie laa BF , ie laa KAWAN , ie laa MUSUH , ie laa KAWANBAEK !
SEMUAnya dia .
Tapi yelahhh , Ezra kenalaa terima semua nii kan .
Adelaaa satu perkara ni ,
Ishhhhh !
sangat ta menahan laaaaaaaa ~!!
tapi, still bolehh control .
dah laaaa .
merepek panjangpanjang pon penat jugax tgn na typing kann .
so , better STOP now .
byebye !
yeepeee ~

Saturday, February 19, 2011


;; Love ;;
Untuk love story bagi Ezra ,
everything is going damn well these past few days .
Kalau na cerita pasal problems and arguements ,
memg BANYAK sangatt .
But, I have to admit that Aman being veryveryvery patient with me .
I respect him on that .
Susah sangat tau sebenarnye utk sese org tu faham Ezra ni caner .
So , sape yg BERJAYA faham Ezra , congrats to u'oll .
Banyak jugax yg Ezra dh uji Aman ni .
Haaaa , bukan senang tau na Uji someone ni , and they succeed !
hee :D
macammacam Ezra uji dia .
tapi, Alhamdulillah , he passed !
ahah . Congrats baby-B .
Setakat ni baru je masok bulan ke-4 k itorg matae .
But , we're knowing each other very well like 4years rship .
that's what people said laa . NOT ME ! ngee :D
Aman sekarang dh jadi sgt CARE bout this rship .
until Ezra mcm, ' ehh , dier dh laen sehh ! '
and I was like , shoc ked tauu !
you know when people that 100% changed in a good way .
its surprised me , and I'm glad he's changed ! :)

;; Friends ;;
Well , since Ezra masok sem2 ni ,
feel very different and special with all friends that RAWK my world .
u'know , not ALL friends that we tot are BEST friend for us ,
but, actually , they're not really are .
for those friends that I've been closed with ,
only two of them is my REAL FRIEND .
that is two of me&BF's friend .
I think who you know who you are .
No need to mention the name .
They're FRIENDS that ALWAYS being there ,
in AWESOME & WORST situation .
they're there whenever we need them .
This two my PRECIOUS FRIENDS will alw ays be in MY HEART .
the two 'M' .

;; Family ;;
Been missing MAMA and adekII .
I wanna go back home damn bad .
feel like HOMESICK is on track now .
hm . It's normal I think .
well , this week and next week still tal ey balek rumah .
so , gotta stay at Melaka .
nehmind , getta spent time with friendss .
But still , in my mind , HOMEYY ~!!! :(
Well , lately , Ezra dh jadi makin rapat dgn abangg .
HAPPY sgt !
tatau kenapa . rase macam bole kongsi smua masalah dgn dier .
Mase tu penah ade probs with BF , then , ngadu dgn abg .
then dier bagi nasihat .
cuma na cakap ni ,
Aku sayang kau , Fitt (abg) ~!!

;; Study ;;
sekarang ni , mcm biasa jugax .
malas tu dah melandaaa . huuu :|
tapi , dh semakin sedar yg TESTTEST dan segala yg mengecutkan perut dh makin hampir .
so , sekarang kena start laa belajar sikitsikit .
tapi, okay laa .
rasenye sem ni , ta laa teruk sgt mcm sem lepas .
yelaah , sem lepas sebab masih tertatih dgn account subject .
sebab actually , Ezra takde basic Account .
tapi , gatal na ambik Account subject .
nasib baik boleh perform OK laa sem lepas .
tu pun sgtsgt LAST MINUTE punye study .
A day before EXAM baru study semua ,
huhuh :|
naseb baik NGAMNGAMSOI .
pheuwww .

tu jelaaa kot !
dh byk sgt dh menaip nii .
hee :D
BORING kann .
sebab tulaa merepek panjangII ni . hee :D
BYEE u'OLLs . !

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Updated ~!!

That is what baby-B bought for me for birthday .
:: Baby-G ::
Nickname that he used to call me .
Ahahah ~!!
LOVE it damn much okayy ^^

He came to Malacca to meet me .
SweetyyPie !

Lazy to UPDATE more !

Just Wanna thank to all that wish my birthday ;;
especially . Family , BF and BFF !
They are just awesome .

