


Friday, January 28, 2011


It's been a long time ago since i last updated my blog .

As u'ol can see , ^^ photoshoot session !
It's for fun actually .
I'm not a model , like REAL MODEL .
Just doing for fun .
Just now , being called from phtgrpher .
saying wanna do photoshoot with me .
So, still considering , since I do this all only for fun .
And , maybe i'll accept it.
Still do lotsa homework based on posing.
It's ain't easy like what we thought it is .

Anyway , jump into Sem2
the Family (classmates) makin lama makin rapat .
We're like A FAMILY .
Bila sekeliling selesa , everything's gg great !
so do my study .
Tp , biasa jugaaaa ,
kalau mulamula sem ,
sangatsangat malas na study at bilik .
so , just put 100% focus in class .
that's what I did .

He's being the BEST that I've ever had !
He's being extremely understanding .
He takecare of me ,
based on everything .
He know his character, well in this LOVE STORY .
We're building something they called , TRUE LOVE !

mood ;; I'm so in LOVE !

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I Adore You babyB !

** I'm always thinking what make me fall in love with you like CRAZY !

** I'm so in love with you . Yea, I know I sounds so the Jiwang,com ! But, heckcare !

** Everything that you've done to impress me , make me feel appreciated .

** You always give me surprises , and I LOVE IT

** You're such a patience guy . You impressed me with that .

** One more thing about you is, you're so damn cute ! especially your VOICE . hee :D

** I love to see when you're jealous over something or someone , because , on that point , you look so adorable and CUTE !

** Yes , people always said that, WHEN YOU'RE IN LOVE, EVERYTHING SEEMS TO BE PERFECT ! It's deniable . But, it's good by the way . Isn't it . So, MOTS ( moral of the story ) :: keep yourself in love to make everything be PERFECT !

** I'm so excited whenever I see your face . You make me fall in love with you every time I met you ! LOVE it . *smiling

** I just love everything about you .

** What make me feel so HAPPY is , when you come to meet me on our 3rd monthsary . That's a big surprise and precious things for me . THANKYOU ;)

** You're everything for me . You're my Prince , babyB !